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Compare Workbooks

Compare Workbooks

Directory Comparison

Directory Comparison

Directory Listing

Directory Listing

Music Listing

Music Listing

Music Update and Select

Music Update and Select

Colour Painter

Colour Painter


Eight names can be entered in the top row and these will be copied onto the faces of the buttons on start. After the start button is pressed, on each lap, click the button for that event to record the elapsed time. As the leading column is populated, rows and grid are added. The elapsed time displays tenths of a second but the accuracy is to one hundredth of a second.

Compare Workbooks


At any time you have two similar workbooks open and you need to find the differences between them, simply open this spreadsheet and press the button. It will start by listing all open workbooks (including itself) and all sheets within each workbook. Delete all Workbook names and sheet names except for the two you want to compare then press the Compare Button.

Directory Comparison


Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the top directory you want to examine. Click to the right of the address bar and copy the address and paste directly to cell A2 and a second corresponding location into cell C2. This might typically be used to compare a directory against its backup to find out what differences exist. When prepared, press the Run button.

Directory Listing



Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the top directory you want to examine. Click to the right of the address bar and copy the address and paste directly to cell A2 and then press the Run button. All files and directories below this starting point will be listed along with a visual bar graph of the size of each. Note that Files are shown in green bars and directories are shown in red.

Music Listing
Similar to Directory Listing but this spreadsheet only finds mp3 audio files and lists them. Once listed, a further button opens each file and reads the internal data from the file including the simple TAG's along with the bitrate and some other technical information.
Music Update and Select



Based on the Directory Listing spreadsheet, this file also only lists mp3 files and their directory structure (usually Artists and Albums) but does not open or read the internal file data.

Colour Painter
Enter RGB or CMYK numbers for a colour and see that colour displayed on the screen as well as the conversion to CMYK or RGB.
The Numbers have Eight Bit Resolution per component, ie 0 to 255 giving almost 17 Million Colours
If you found any of these spreadsheets useful or would like a version with the VB Code Unlocked, please use the feedback form on the Contact page or email me directly to let me know.
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